Do you dream of writing a book?

Have you longed to share your knowledge and experience with others in the early childhood field? To speak your truth? To enlighten and encourage?

Have you longed to add "author" to your resume?

Not sure how or where to start, or how to finish what you may have already started? How to move past the desire to write a book to actually writing one?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I want to help! To empower you. To give you the voice and platform that only writing and publishing a book can provide. 

I want to help you become an early childhood author!

"I have really enjoyed being part of this cohort. It has been a privilege hearing everyone's ideas and experience. I have found the process extremely helpful and it has given me the added focus and drive to work on my book."
~ Tracy Hilton

What You Can Expect

In this masterclass, I'll share my experiences and lessons learned during the process of writing and publishing 22 books!

I know how daunting it is to start a book! To actually write it. And to get it published.

And I know that if you simply sit down with the idea that you're going to start writing, it won't be long before you're struggling.

But if you follow some essential steps, you'll have the guidance you need all along the way.

Over the course of creating those 22 books, I've picked up more than a few tricks of the trade, not only to help pull together compelling ideas and see the writing process through to the end – but to get my work published and into readers’ hands!

I want to share those tricks with you. To help you get from the dream of “someday” writing a book to the reality of having a published work that people read, learn from, and are transformed by.

In this 10-week masterclass, we will:

  • Get beyond the barriers holding you back.

  • Define the specific audience that needs your book.

  • Narrow your focus to a single, compelling idea.

  • Identify the best publisher for your work.

  • Create a winning proposal.

  • Get -- and stay -- writing!

Even with your busy schedule (and the million ideas that seem to multiply like rabbits every time you sit down to wrangle them into a finished work), you can do this. I’ll show you how.

Here's how it will work:

  • Every two weeks a new section will be released. This gives you plenty of time to complete each assignment!

  • Every two weeks, synchronous with a section release, we'll get together for a virtual support session. If you can't attend live, you'll receive the recording.

  • We'll have a Facebook group where you can communicate with the classmates in your cohort. Along with the virtual support sessions, these are significant to maintaining motivation!

This focused style of cohort-based learning, implementation, and support leads to better outcomes than learning on your own (or trying to figure things out through “search and retrieve” on the internet!).

My dream of becoming a writer came true many times over. Now I want to help you achieve your dream.

I want to help empower you. To give you the voice and platform that only writing and publishing a book can provide. 

I want to help you become an early childhood author!

"My biggest takeaway from this experience was the opportunity to learn more about what is involved in writing an educational book in today's climate and discern whether this is something I want to pursue or not." ~ Jackie Clarke

This course is closed for enrollment.

"Before this class, I had talked myeself out of writing because it was difficult and I assumed that the process would be easy for 'real' writers." ~ Lauren Hague

About Me

I have been an early childhood education consultant for over four decades and have written 22 books (so far!) -- some of which have been award-winning -- for ECE professionals and parents.

Among the books I've authored are the textbook, Experiences in Movement and Music (in its 5th edition, published by Cengage Learning), six Gryphon House titles, and Active Learning Across the Curriculum, my one self-published book.

Some of my more recent works include:

  • What If Everybody Understood Child Development?: Straight Talk About Bettering Education and Children's Lives (published by Corwin Press)

  • What If We Taught the Way Children Learn?: More Straight Talk About Bettering Education and Children's Lives (Corwin)

  • Acting Out: Avoid Behavior Challenges with Active Learning (Redleaf Press)

  • Spark a Revolution in Early Education: Speaking Up for Ourselves and the Children (to be published by Redleaf fall 2022)

You can read reviews of three of my books, below.

"I know what to do to actually make this happen! The steps of the process and the list of publishers was amazing." ~ Heather Charmoli

"Rae Pica's powerful, thought-provoking book provides rare and uncommon sense. This should be mandatory reading for all new teachers. Our kids would be MUCH better off if we practiced the way this book suggests we do, and so would the educators around them."

~ Dr. Eric Jensen

"So many wonderful practical ideas and full of sensible advice....Feeling energised already!"

~ Dr. Lala Manners

“As a fifth edition, [the] author stands on her own shoulders, in addition to those of many other great names in the history of music and movement methodology, in providing a rich resource for long-term application across the full spectrum of early childhood and elementary movement activity. Research is so richly interwoven into the narrative that it could serve as a review of literature on many different related subjects. I will use this as a text book for my methods classes and as a resource for my own teaching for many years to come, I am sure.”